Sunday, September 23, 2007

Okay so this from last week and quite long


Yesterday I twisted my ankle falling out the supermarket(typical).The night before I slept in a park(not typical). The park was part of the Yokohama Ferry Terminal.My friends Nick,Joe,and Paula re all architecture majors and Nick really wanted to see this building.Nick is a really chill dude who doesn't talk when he doesn't have anything to say and is generally not very excitable but this building was exciting to him.The building was really was a man made landscape next to the Tokyo bay it looked like a sea a wooden waves with grass islands.We didn't get there until like 9pm after putting out stuff in lockers and then having one of those great dinner conversations where you are closer afterwards if for no other reason than the amount of dirt you have on each other.
We were intially gonna sleep in McDonalds which are so clean here that you can do that and we have seen quite a few people do it. In fact I see people sleep in public here all the time in part because trains stop running and many people live far from the city center.
When we got to the park there were so many people there. Lots of young couples but also friends hanging out and a few people having some alone time.We mostly walked around and looked at the building and took pictures.At soem point everyone but Nick fell asleep.We got cold because it was right by the bay and Paul wanted to book a hotel but we all disagreed.In par because it was already 3 in the morning. Also Nick seemed so happy that we wanted to stay and support him so in the end we move to an alcove lit with blue lights next to the bathroom. Once we relocated we were mostly awake and argued about international politics, domestic housing policy, urban planning , and institutionalized racism and the suburbs.
Finally it was time for the sun to rise and we got to watch it rise over the bay. Somewhere around 4am most of the people left the park but around 5am joggers and some photographers started to show up.We also took the time to notice that it wasn't the sun that was moving but the earth and by extension ourselves.It was one of those sweet introspective moments that means a lot to you but maybe not much to others.
We never did make it to Chinatown for Dim Sum...Yokohama has Japan's biggest Chinatown. Instead we went to McDonalds where they served us at our table.
As of today my ankle is still swollen bu doing better.
This past weekend I went o Hakone and while it was too crowded to see Mount Fuji I have a good time.I ate an egg that is cooked in a hot spring and is supposed to extend my life seven years and got naked and bathed in the onsen. We also did karaoke and had kakesei dinner.That was all pretty great I recommend it to anyone.
Most of the kids from my dorm really disliked the kids from the other dorms who were pre-occupied with getting drunk and trying to act cool.The bus drivers was like two hours late because of an accident and then it took a long time to get there and back and these obnoxious little shits treated him like it was his fault.US citizens are the most impatient people on the planet.It is a gross generalization but I am gonna go with it.
There is one kid in the other dorm who is really obnoxious and I had to stop my friend from kicking the shit out of him.The kid totally deserved it though.Apparently he threw a bottle into the woods when we were at the Buddhist Temple and drew on people's prayers with a magic marker.We have a group pact to catch him on the street and whip his ass.

I'll post a link to pictures in a little while but there will be a lot of them

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